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Super  Lux  Mivida  Eterna  Medical  Rental  Clinic  New  Cairo  Area : 40  meters  ( examination  room  waiting  room  and  bathroom) 0
See 9 photos
EGP 38,000

Super Lux Mivida Eterna Medical Rental Clinic New Cairo Area : 40 meters ( examination room waiting room and bathroom)

Mivida Compound, New Cairo
7 hours ago
Rental FrequencyMonthly
Area (m²)40
Covered ParkingSecurity
Super Lux Mivida Eterna Medical Rental Clinic New Cairo Area : 40 meters ( examination room waiting room and bathroom) Uni Real Estate Investment Company We are a select group of specialists in the field of real estate marketing and project management, always keen to satisfy our valued customers, and we believe that success is only based on customer satisfaction. In our keenness to achieve success, we provide our customers with the following services: 1- Selecting the properties offered in a scientific and legally sound manner 2- Determining the locations of the properties on the maps to save our customers time in knowing the address of the property 3- Assisting customers in negotiating and completing contracting procedures Uni Company is distinguished by a variety of services that meet all the requirements of the Egyptian real estate market, We have a highly efficient team in the real estate marketing and investment sector Uni Real Estate Investment Company
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