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Clinic at a special price in the heart of New Cairo, Fifth Settlement, in front of Sadat Axis 0
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EGP 5,000,000

Clinic at a special price in the heart of New Cairo, Fifth Settlement, in front of Sadat Axis

New Cairo, Cairo
1 week ago
Area (m²)50
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
Air ConditioningCovered ParkingSecurityStorage
Clinic in the heart of New Cairo Location: In the heart of New Cairo overlooking Sadat Axis 5-year installments without interest For inquiries or contact: (View phone number) Voke HPD New Cairo Mall Services Voke New Cairo Mall includes a comprehensive set of services that have been carefully selected to meet the needs of visitors and businessmen with the highest possible quality. Through the following points, we will learn in detail about the most important services of the Fifth Settlement Mall: Voke Fifth Settlement Mall includes specialized medical clinics that provide primary health care services, equipped with the latest medical devices and technologies, which makes visitors feel reassured about their health. With Voke New Cairo Mall pharmacies, visitors can easily access medical products, drugs and all basic medical supplies, with free home delivery services nearby. Voke Fifth Settlement Mall includes an analysis laboratory that contributes to diagnosing diseases, which contributes to maintaining the safety of visitors. Voke New Cairo Mall contains electronic games halls that include fun games that can
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