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Villa for sale in the first tourist area in 6 October    A distinctive seaside location 0
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EGP 26,000,000

Villa for sale in the first tourist area in 6 October A distinctive seaside location

Syaheia 1, 6th of October
7 hours ago
TypeStand Alone Villa
Area (m²)538
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Villa for sale in the first tourist area in October A distinctive seaside location * There is a contract registered in the real estate registry. * The land area is 648 square meters in addition to an attached back garden extending to the club's fence, shown in the attached pictures, a usufruct right from the device with an area of ​​324 square meters surrounded by a fence of trees like the rest of the neighboring plots, and there is no back road and the garden appears * Its good architectural design and optimal exploitation of all spaces, as there are no internal skylights to make the most of all internal and external spaces in addition to natural lighting and ventilation for all spaces * Finishing for external facades only * The building consists of 1- A low ground floor with a garden and a swimming pool and the first floor is a villa with an independent entrance and a garage for three cars with a building area of ​​538 square meters Independent entrance to the second and third floors and the roof 2- A second floor, a complete apartment with an area of ​​264 meters, three bedrooms, one master with a bathroom 3- A third floor, a complete apartment with an area of ​​250 square meters, three bedrooms, one master with a bathroom 4- The roof floor with an area of ​​65 square meters, a hall, a bathroom, a kitchen, two bedrooms and a roof with an area of ​​200 square meters There are six electricity meters, a water meter and external gas connections only For details The internal distribution of the villa and apartments, there is a detailed file And a three-dimensional drawing of the villa from all sides, it can be sent Upon request Required 26 million (View phone number)
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