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For sale, a twin villa, 207 sqm, on the sea, fully finished, with air conditioners and kitchen, in El Gouna, North Bay 0
See 9 photos
EGP 10,500,000

For sale, a twin villa, 207 sqm, on the sea, fully finished, with air conditioners and kitchen, in El Gouna, North Bay

Gouna, Red Sea
2 days ago
TypeTwin House
Area (m²)207
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusOff-plan
Twin villa for sale in El Gouna (North Bay - North bay) 3 bedrooms + nanny's room Fully finished with air conditioners and kitchen With private swimming pool open lagoon_boat infront of the home inside an island 15% down payment required The remaining period is 5 years For more details: (View phone number) El Gouna features and services The city of El Gouna contains a small and quiet resort that contains all the services you want. The city and the resort in particular contain a university, schools and hospitals. The city has hotels of the highest standard, with distinctive beaches and large stadiums, most notably El Gouna Stadium. The city has a yacht marina, bars and night clubs.
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