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Sea View Upper Chalet First Floor In Piacera - Ain Sokhna 0
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EGP 3,300,000

Sea View Upper Chalet First Floor In Piacera - Ain Sokhna

Piacera, Ain Sukhna
13 hours ago
Area (m²)95
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
BalconySecuritySea View
For Sale In Piacera - Ain El Sokhna Upper Chalet 95 sqm First floor Fully finished  2 bedrooms 1 bathroom Sea View  without furniture Price: 3,300,000 ------------------------------------------------ ** Extra Fees ( 1.5% ) Brokerage Commission ** Piacera Village is an integrated residential complex, which was built on a total area of 327,600 square meters. It was taken into account that the construction works do not take up more than 20% of the total area. And green spaces, swimming pools and recreational facilities represent 80% of the total area. The village's beach extends along the coast of the Red Sea with a length of 700 meters. The village includes many different residential units, including chalets and villas, in addition to the 4-star Piacera Hotel. The village has the necessary facilities and services for a comfortable and enjoyable stay. At the entrance to the village is one of the famous El-Ezaby Pharmacy branches, in addition to the famous Saudi supermarket, so you can get what you want. And there is a delivery service within the village. Facilities and Services of Piacera Village Supermarket (Saudi supermarket) 1 restaurant enough 2 swimming pools Aqua park small for young and old Private parking Air-conditioned chalets with different areas, starting from 80 m² up to 120 m² Hotel rooms inside the Piacera Village Hotel, Ain Sokhna Room service at Piacera Hotel Wi-Fi service in the hotel lobby jacuzzi
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