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Apartment for sale in Madinaty B12   Area: 71 (2 rooms - 1 bathroom - reception - 2 terraces)  The asking price is 3,000,000  Unit features:- My 0
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EGP 3,100,000

Apartment for sale in Madinaty B12 Area: 71 (2 rooms - 1 bathroom - reception - 2 terraces) The asking price is 3,000,000 Unit features:- My

Madinaty, Cairo
14 hours ago
Area (m²)71
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Built in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenCovered ParkingPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Apartment for sale in Madinaty B12 Area: 71 (2 rooms - 1 bathroom - reception - 2 terraces) The asking price is 3,000,000 Unit features:- My land without a garden The terminal on the street and the park is not damaged Customize police Pure, no installments The club can be paid in installments with a down payment of 50,000 Maintenance deposit of 180 thousand Madinaty is being built over an area of 3,200 hectares (8,000 acres), with a total budget of E£800 billion. In 2016, around 3900 residential units were sold in Madinaty by the Ministry of Housing. Madinaty has wide streets and the city is designed in terms of sub-compounds where each sub-compound has its facilities in terms of supermarkets, a mosque, an outpatient clinic, and public parks for children to play in and families. Madinaty has malls with various shops including restaurants like Open Air Mall, East Hub, Craft zone, The Strip, All Seasons Park. Another food court called South Park with dozens
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