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For sale, a separate villa, immediate delivery, atrio Iwan, Sheikh Zayed, fully finished, with a distinctive view, old price 0
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EGP 25,000,000

For sale, a separate villa, immediate delivery, atrio Iwan, Sheikh Zayed, fully finished, with a distinctive view, old price

Atrio Compound, Sheikh Zayed
5 hours ago
TypeStand Alone Villa
Area (m²)322
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
BalconyPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingElectricity MeterNatural Gas
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Iwan Atrio Compound next to Hyper and the land area is 423 Building area is 322 Required 25 million High-end and luxurious finishing by the developer Ready for immediate housing All installments have been paid and received A distinguished location overlooking the landscape and club house water feature Ground floor Reception accommodates 4 pieces + a very large terrace + the kitchen and overlooks an open space following the kitchen + a room + a guest bathroom + a second room for the nanny with the bathroom The garden allows for a swimming pool + a pergola possibility And the first floor Master room + dressing room + bathroom In addition to 2 bedrooms and a bathroom + a kitchen + a living room And the roof A room with a bathroom + a large terrace + a pergola possibility
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