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Shop for rent - prime location in Giza Square  Location: Giza - Giza Square (Prime Location)  Area: 140 square meters  Monthly rent: 35,000 poun 0
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EGP 35,000

Shop for rent - prime location in Giza Square Location: Giza - Giza Square (Prime Location) Area: 140 square meters Monthly rent: 35,000 poun

Haram, Giza
1 week ago
Rental FrequencyMonthly
Area (m²)140
Shop for rent - prime location in Giza Square Location: Giza - Giza Square (Prime Location) Area: 140 square meters Monthly rent: 35,000 EGP (final) Property features: Strategic location in the heart of Giza Square, one of the most active commercial areas. Distinctive history: It was rented to a large confectioner for 10 years. A design suitable for large commercial activities or high-end projects. An unrepeatable opportunity to start your project in one of the best locations in Giza! For inquiries and viewing: Call now and don't miss the opportunity to get this distinctive shop! Commercial shop for rent We can help you rent commercial shops or administrative offices at the most appropriate prices. We also have shops for rent in all governorates that suit all commercial and administrative activities *Egy Map Company: 1: It is a leading company in commercial mediation and renting malls, commercial projects and administrative offices 2: Marketing consultations for managing and developing projects and for developing your project from the first creation of a new brand and following up on it until receipt and after receipt 3: It works as a mediator with the largest brands and in selling the commercial franchise right to any investor interested in his activity being part of the brands (franchise)
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