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A commercial store for sale in Olin Mall on Gamal Abdel Nasser Axis, Fifth Settlement 0
EGP 14,962,500

A commercial store for sale in Olin Mall on Gamal Abdel Nasser Axis, Fifth Settlement

Gamal Abd Al-Nasser Axis, New Cairo
1 month ago
Area (m²)41
Payment OptionInstallment
Who distinguished Olin stores in the social neighborhood Ground floor store directly on the street. . very distinctive, next to the pharmacy and next to the main entrance to the advertisement. . The internal shop area is 41 square metres. . and it has an outdoor area of ​​12 metres. . Price before discount is 15,750,000 Price after discount is 14,962,500 New payment plans: 5% down payment and the rest in installments over 5 years (5% discount) 6% down payment and the rest in equal installments over 6 years (6% discount 7% down payment, 7% after 3 months, and the rest in installments over 7 years (5% discount) 8% down payment, 8% after 3 months, and the rest in equal installments over 8 years (5% discount). Cash discount = 35% Show your deposit and your discount: 15% down payment and the rest in equal installments over 5 years + 15% discount 20% down payment and the rest in equal installments over 4 years + 20% discount The location of Olin Mall, Fifth Settlement, by Mass Developments, is in the heart of the Fifth Settlement, and is located directly on the Gamal Abdel Nasser axis. The project location is also distinguished by its proximity to many important main axes, such as: South 90th Street Mohamed Naguib axis Talaat Harb axis Middle Ring Road This unique location makes Olin Mall, Fifth Settlement, Mas Company, the ideal choice for either commercial investment or shopping, as it is easily accessible from all important axes.
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