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Resale shop, immediate receipt, complete in installments on Dahshur Direct, Centrda hub 0
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EGP 4,500,000

Resale shop, immediate receipt, complete in installments on Dahshur Direct, Centrda hub

Centrada Hub, Sheikh Zayed
1 day ago
Area (m²)58
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Covered Parking
Shop for sale, resale from the owner, months delivery, suitable for any commercial activity In Centrada Hub Mall, Prime Location, on Dahshur Direct Link In front of Zayed 5 entrance Next to Walk of Cairo - City Walk Minutes from Jehan Square Area 58 m Mall services -For easy movement between the floors of Centrada Mall, Sheikh Zayed, there are elevators and escalators inside the mall. -To operate according to the highest levels of security and safety, there is an automatic fire-fighting system in Centrada Mall, Sheikh Zayed. -There is a garage dedicated to cars. -There is also central air conditioning in Centrada Mall, Sheikh Zayed. -Of course, there is a food court area in Centrada Hub New Zayed, which includes the most famous restaurants and cafes. -There are surveillance cameras in Centrada Hub Sheikh Zayed in all corners of the project to increase security in the project. -There is also a plaza area to serve visitors to Centrada Hub New Zayed. -There are smart gates in Centrada Mall. There are installment payments
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