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A shop for rent in Square mal _ in nasr city with areas up to 800 m 0
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EGP 364,000

A shop for rent in Square mal _ in nasr city with areas up to 800 m

Bsqure mall, Nasr City
3 days ago
TypeRestaurant & Cafe
Rental FrequencyMonthly
Area (m²)560
A store for rent in B Square mall _ in nasr city with areas up to 800 m The most excellent mall in nasr city suits the strongest commercial brands and suits all commercial activities . (Privileged location-unique design-in the middle of the largest population density) Ground facade-suitable for any activity-Duplex system-upper balance - internal ladder Location of the building _ Al Nasr main road directly: 1 Al Nasr Road-First District _ Nasr City in the middle of the largest densely populated places, between Tayba mall and Abbas Akkad on Al Nasr main road Services · garage of 15 thousand meters divided into 3 floors+ Roof divided into two halves the first half is a full health club and the other half is a food truck + 24-hour security + addition of the entire mall+ surveillance cameras for the entire mall (2 elevators serving 10 floors+ elevator serving the garage) About B Square mall . One of the branches of darts real estate company, a leading real estate developer in Egypt
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