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Shop for rent, suitable for a restaurant and café in Nasr City, in front of the International Garden, area 800 m, ground floor and first floor, commer 0
EGP 720,000

Shop for rent, suitable for a restaurant and café in Nasr City, in front of the International Garden, area 800 m, ground floor and first floor, commer

Nasr City, Cairo
4 months ago
TypeRestaurant & Cafe
Area (m²)800
shop for rent in Moanes El Khadem Street in front of the International Gardens Area 800 m ground and first commercial Available for division Price per meter 900 EGP First floor finished, ground floor plastered Water. Electricity. Possibility of gas service and operating a restaurant 2 down payment 2 insurance Grant of two months Contract period 5 years Annual increase 10% EGY MAP offers you a complete study to establish a commercial trade. . Starting from studying the geographical location of the mall. . Rent increase. . Ideal planning for distributing tenants. . And all of this is a stage of mall operation. . “Contact now to start improving your mall” EGY MAP is distinguished from others in the field of right where the franchise has a large network of relationships with major brands in the Egyptian market in various different fields, which helps it work as a strong mediator between the giant grantor and the grantee. Renting and buying commercial units EGY MAP helps real estate owners sell or rent commercial units, and also helps in buying commercial units. Investment Consulting EgyMap provides investors with the necessary information and is present on the new advanced investment consultations with the possibility of development and expansion. Expansions EgyMap commercial companies encourage population groups to expand by providing commercial spaces from profits. Mall housing EgyMap houses malls with the brands necessary to operate your mall. Finished with an electricity meter and water and a bathroom. Suitable for a restaurant. With a chimney EgyMap provides you with a complete study to establish a commercial trade. . Starting from studying the geographical location of the mall. . Rent increase. . Ideal planning for the distribution of tenants. . And all of this is a stage of mall operation. . “Contact now to start improving your mall” EgyMap is distinguished from others in the field of right where the franchise has a large network of relationships with major brands in the Egyptian market in various different fields, which helps it work as a strong mediator between the giant grantor and the grantee. Renting and buying commercial units EgyMap helps real estate owners sell or rent commercial units, and helps in buying commercial units. Investment Consulting EgyMap provides investors with the necessary information and is present on the new advanced investment consultations with the possibility of development and expansion. Expansions EgyMap commercial companies encourage population groups to expand by providing commercial spaces from profits. Mall Housing EgyMap houses malls with the brands necessary to operate your mall
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