Administrative office for rent in Mivida Business Park
Main Road: South 90th
Specifications: Very high specifications
Area: 237sqm
Shop status: Fully finished open space
License: Administrative
Rental terms
Rental price: 284,400 EGP per month
Rental price per meter: EGP per 1200meter
Down payment: 3 months
Deposit insurance: 3 months
Contract period: 3 years
Annual increase 10%
All types of transportation, hotels, retail, cafes, bakeries, banks, restaurants, café and shopping malls
Reception area - Shared bathrooms
Fire alarm - Public address system - Automated emergency collection point - Advanced fire fighting system - District cooling system - Electrical emergency and backup system
Access control - CCTV system - Parking management - BMS & EMS (Building and Energy Management System) - Facility management services - High speed elevators - Security system - Center Command Room)
There are many options available in the same project and any project in Cairo.