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Administrative Office for rent in B Square mall_ Nasr City 0
EGP 600,000

Administrative Office for rent in B Square mall_ Nasr City

Bsqure mall, Nasr City
1 month ago
TypeOffice Space
Area (m²)1,000
Covered ParkingSecurity
Administrative headquarters for rent in B Square mall * Unit type: office * Type of offer: rent * Area:1000 m * Finishing type: 3/4 air conditioning finishing * License: adray * Services and features available in the building Different administrative spaces in the heart of Nasr City the administrative mall is divided into 3 buildings and each building has its own reception and there is a place to wait There is a display screen to display the corporate logo +a garage on an area of 15 thousand meters divided on 3 floors+ a Roof divided into two halves, the first half is a full health club and the other half is a food truck + 24-hour security + addition to the entire mall+ surveillance cameras for the entire mall (2 elevators serving 10 floors+ an elevator serving the garage ) * An administrative complex for rent to major international companies and an administrative license for buildings in a fully administrative square that meets the specifications of the Civil Defense for companies and institutions in a very privileged location on Al Nasr road, directly on the highway in nasr city, as it is located 10 minutes from Cairo International Airport, 15 minutes from the center of the country and 16 minutes from the fifth · B Square mall One of the branches of darts real estate company, the leading real estate developer in Egypt
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