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office for sale |Cairo business park|  Misr Italia 0
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EGP 23,263,047

office for sale |Cairo business park| Misr Italia

Cairo Business Park, New Cairo
16 hours ago
TypeOffice Space
Area (m²)171
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Air ConditioningCovered ParkingSecurity
Finishing Type : Finished Total Area : 171 sqm         sale price :  23,263,047 EGP including maintenance  Down Payment : 15,567,391 and remaining 7,695,656 installments on 5 years , 20 Quarter   price per meter : 130,967 EGP Developer : Misr Italia CAIRO BUSINESS PARK LOCATION Strategically located in the heart of Cairo's most sought-after district - in the heart of New Cairo, halfway between the Old capital & Egypt's New Administrative Capital 5 minutes away from 10 minutes away from The American University The French University 15 minutes away from Cairo International Airport Cairo Business Park is a leap into the future of business collaboration, providing a transformative ecosystem for start- ups and rising entrepreneurs to set itself as Egypt's accelerator hub, powered by one-of-a-kind networking opportunities and flexible co-working spaces to inspire uninterrupted growth • HOSPITALITY Cairo Business Park puts royal hospitality at its professional's fingertips by collaborating with Hilton Garden Inn to offer an unrivalled selection of exceptional experiences and attentive services, spanning top grade accommodation, relaxation treatments and cutting-edge facilities of all sorts. GENERAL PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS SECURITY SYSTEMS •Central Camera Surveillance (CCTV system): surveying all the locations, fences even during emergency power outages & monitoring all a areas by a centralized security camera system on a 24 hour basis. CCTV inside the building shall be provided for the client at an extra fee. •Automatic ID Main Gates to ensure high level of safety and security. •Certified and Trained canine guarding all gates, parking entries and exits. •Security personnel who monitor, report and prevent any hazards in addition to random patrols on a 24/7 basis and random lower security OTHER SPECS
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