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Office for sale, finished and furnished, with a 15% down payment and you get a return on the down payment. Delivery soon in the Administrative Capital 0
See 13 photos
EGP 2,520,000

Office for sale, finished and furnished, with a 15% down payment and you get a return on the down payment. Delivery soon in the Administrative Capital

R3, New Capital City
7 hours ago
TypeOffice Space
Area (m²)21
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
Delivery Date2027
Air ConditioningCovered ParkingSecurityStorage
Rayn Development Company is one of the distinguished companies within the Egyptian real estate market, and is considered a pioneering company in the field, but thanks to the strategies it has developed and the plans it follows, it has been able to have a popular name among customers, and the company seeks to achieve many achievements during the coming period. In order to be able to expand its circle of customers, Gain their trust easily. We can say that it is not easy to enter the Egyptian real estate market, due to the presence of many fierce competitors in the field, whose projects have multiplied and the confidence of their customers has expanded greatly, but Rain Real Estate Company has accepted these challenges, and seeks to compete within the market vigorously to be able to compete with those who first entered the Egyptian real estate market.
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