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A distinctive rental location in the City of Crafts Zone with an outdoor area, suitable for a restaurant or cafe, in a prime location. 0
See 24 photos
EGP 50,000

A distinctive rental location in the City of Crafts Zone with an outdoor area, suitable for a restaurant or cafe, in a prime location.

Madinaty, Cairo
19 hours ago
TypeRestaurant & Cafe
Rental FrequencyMonthly
Area (m²)76
Air ConditioningCovered Parking
ChatGPT said:ChatGPT You can now expand your branches and open a new location in a high-purchasing-power area in Madinaty, with a population exceeding 1.5 million and steadily increasing. Located in the heart of the largest commercial brands in the restaurant, café, and diverse automotive services industries, this area is thriving. Every day, new brands are opening. The store is in a prime corner location, suitable for all types of businesses. The shop has an interior area of 76m² and is situated in a prime spot in the Crafts Zone, in a distinctive block facing the entrance to East Hub. A unique opportunity for your business with limited available shops—seize the chance now! Required rent: 50,000 EGP 3-year contract with a 3-month grace period and a 10% annual increase. For inquiries, viewing, and to learn about available opportunities, contact: Dark Investment and Real Estate Marketing Company East Hub, Block 16, Office S11, 2nd Floor Ahmed Nasr (View phone number) WhatsApp supported
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